Cornwall A Good Fit For Major Sporting Events
March 4, 2016Cornwall Ontario – Cornwall has a proven record when it comes to hosing major sporting events. One only needs to look at past events such as the RBC Cup and Fred Page Cup or upcoming major competitions such as the Provincial Broomball Championships and the Shorty Jenkins Bonspiel.
A team from Cornwall will be delivering that message to a variety of National and Provincial sporting organizations at the upcoming Sport Events Congress in Ottawa.
Cornwall Economic Development has secured a booth at the popular gathering of key decision makers, which runs from March 6 to 8. The Sport Events Congress is Canada’s largest annual gathering of sport and tourism professionals attracting 400 delegates each year. The Congress offers events rights holders the opportunity to meet one-on-one with municipal representatives interested in hosting events in their communities.
“Cornwall has a good mix of facilities and an active local sporting community,” said Lorne Taillon, Leisure Arts Coordinator with the City’s Recreation Department. “These events can bring in hundreds of athletes, coaches and officials, and attract thousands of spectators. The economic impact of such activity is significant.”
The Cornwall team will comprise of members of the City’s Economic Development and Recreation Departments, as well as Cornwall and the Counties Tourism and the NAV CENTRE. This will be the second year that Cornwall has exhibited as the congress.
“Sports Tourism is a sustainable opportunity that offers great growth potential for Cornwall,” says Lydia Blanchard, a sales manager at NAV CENTRE. “We have had great success in hosting events such as the Canadian Golden Gloves Championships and the Ontario Weightlifting Championships, and we are hoping to secure more events in the coming years.”
The NAV CENTRE is one potential Cornwall venue that is highlighted in a 12-page brochure called Cornwall Sports Venues. The Civic Complex and the versatile Benson Centre, along with the Curling Centre, Aquatic Centre and Waterfront Trail are also featured.
Another key element in Cornwall’s pitch is the private sector resources in the community such as hotels and restaurants, all of which are important in meeting the needs of event organizers.
“Cornwall has over 900 hotel rooms and therefore can easily accommodate national and provincial championships that could see hundreds of athletes. coaches and officials participate,” said Linda Wilson, Executive Director of Cornwall and the Counties Tourism. “These events generate significant economic activity.”
Upcoming Major Events in Cornwall
Later this month, the Ontario Broomball Championships will be held at the Benson Centre in Cornwall. The event will feature competition between 47 teams and organizers expect over 1000 players and coaches.
In August, over 600 elite athletes will compete along the St. Lawrence River in the Cornwall Triathlon.
In September, the Shorty Jenkins Classic will bring back the world’s curling elite to the Cornwall Curling Centre.
About the Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance
Sport tourism is now the fastest growing segment of the tourism industry, estimated at over $5.2 billion a year. The Canadian Sport Tourism Alliance promotes the development of partnerships between events rights holders and host cities. The Sport Events Congress is an venue to share best practices, measure the economic impact of sport events and enhance the profile of sport tourism.
Get the Brochure
A copy of the new Cornwall Sports Venures brochure can be downloaded from the Resources section of this website.
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