Cornwall’s SigmaPoint Featured in Three Publications
November 4, 2013Cornwall Ontario – Over 2000 of North America’s top manufacturers gathered in Toronto recently to share best practices at the Association for Manufacturing Excellence’s annual lean conference, and Cornwall’s SigmaPoint was put forward as a company to learn from.
The accolades come at a time when the company’s “Lean journey” has been featured in three publications.
AME Conference Magazine
The company was featured in the AME conference magazine that each of the 2200 delegates received. In an article entitled Lean is not just a process, it’s a culture, Sigmapoint’s lean journey was explored, which is now in its 8th year and counting.
SigmaPoint’s President Dan Bergeron makes the point that “lean manufacturing is a term that is often misunderstood and misused. From Bergeron’s perspective, lean manufacturing is a necessary means by which Canadian and North American companies can compete more effectively on a global stage. This is done by continuously understanding customer’s strategic initiatives and leveraging core competencies to dramatically reduce lead time and inventory liability.
“Everyone says they’re lean, but there are a lot of different measures of lean,” says Mr. Bergeron. “For us it’s all about creating a higher quality product with a reduced lead time so that our customers can capture market share more quickly.”
Ontario Leading Growth Firm Series
Mr. Bergeron and SigmaPoint were also featured in the Province of Ontario’s publication Continuous Improvement and Productivity. The 30 page document is the 22nd Report in the Leading Growth Firm Series and was put together by the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Employment.
The well-written article explores how Mr. Bergeron, Stephane Dubreuil (SigmaPoint’s Director of Operations) and their entire team has embraced continuous improvement to cement SigmaPoint’s position as a leading on-time producer of complex circuit boards for the telecommunication, medical and defense industries.
You can download and read the MEDTE article by clicking here.
SigmaPoint is effectively competing with competitors in other countries such as Mexico and China, and is on a multi-year pattern of growth and expansion. The company has recently expanded into an 80,000 sq.ft. plant across the road from its main plant. The new facility contains two value-stream lines that will be joined by four more over the next two years as the company doubles down on advantages created by seamless product lines.
Business In Focus Magazine
Sigmapoint was also featured in the October 2013 issue of Business in Focus magazine. The 6-page article explores SigmaPoint’s lean-oriented culture and how their approach to business is driving success. Business in Focus is delivered to over 363,100 subscribers every month.
You can read the Business in Focus article by clicking on the following: link:
About SigmaPoint
SigmaPoint Technologies Inc. is an electronic manufacturing services (EMS) provider focused on developing long-term partnerships with clients and suppliers. SigmaPoint provides end-to-end assembly services for highly complex electronic products within communication, medical, defense, industrial, and transportation markets.
For more information visit www.sigmapoint.com
What is Lean?
Lean is a business model that emphasizes the elimination of non-value added activities, or waste, to deliver quality products and services with the greatest efficiency and at the lowest cost. The model is widely applied to manufacturing processes and is viewed by its proponents as a “way of thinking” that can fundamentally change the entire structure of an organization. Lean principles where developed by Toyota executive Taiichi Ochno during the reconstruction period after World War II. The term “lean” was introduced in the late 1980s by an MIT research team led by Jim Womack.