Eco Farm Days Explores Adaptation
February 21, 2018Cornwall Ontario – Eco Farm Days will sprout in Cornwall on Februray 24-25 at the Ramada Hotel.
The two-day conference is the premier annual organic event where farmers, market gardeners and related businesses in Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec meet to discuss successful organic farming techniques.
“Demand for organic products in Canada far outstrips the capacity of present farm operations to produce,” says Gary Weinhold, Eco Farm Day Chair. “Two things need to happen: today’s organic farmers need to grow their operation and new farmers need support to step up to organic production. Eco Farm Days presents an excellent opportunity to learn more.”
The theme of this year’s Eco Farm Days is Adaptation. Some of the ideas to be explored include:
- How can farmers adapt to a changing climate?
- How do plant nutrient needs change over time?
- Breeding new plant varieties for your farm
- Exploring better ways to feed your animals
- and more!
The conference kicks off Saturday morning with a keynote presentation on Farming for Resilience by Mary-Howell and Klaas Martens from Lakeview Organic Grains. Attendees can then choose from several seminars and workshops throughout Saturday and Sunday, as well as attend a concurrent tradeshow of approximately 30 exhibitors.
Simultaneous translation into French will be provided for selected presentations.
Eco Farm Day costs are covered by admission fees and sponsors. You can learn more on the Eco Farm Day website:
With an average attendance of about 300, Eco-Farm Days is now the largest annual organic event held in Eastern Ontario. It has evolved significantly over the past 12 years that it has been held in Cornwall.
Eco Farm Day is presented by COG-OSO, the Ottawa-St. Lawrence-Outaouais Chapter of Canadian Organic Growers. Follow them online
- Web: http://cog.ca/ottawa/eco-farm-day/
- Facebook: facebook.com/cogosochapter
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/ecofarmday
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