Funders Forum Offers Info on Business Assistance Programs
May 20, 2016Cornwall Ontario – Successful businesses need money in order to grow. Money to purchase new equipment, hire and train new staff and explore new markets.
Fortunately, there are are funding agencies that may be able to help.
Representatives from 20 funding agenices are gathering under one roof for the Funders Forumon Wednesday, May 25 from 4:00 pm until 7:00 pm at the Ramada Hotel.
“You will have the opportunity to meet funding agency professionals who can help you to explore and possibly secure funding for whatever activity you have in mind,” says Lezlie Strasser, Executive Manager of the Cornwall Chamber of Commerce, who is organizing the event along with the Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre and Cornwall & The Counties Community Futures Development Corporation.
There is no charge for the event and refreshments will be available.
Two of the funding programs presented at the Funders Forum will be the popular Starter Company and Summer Company programs, offered through the Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre.
“We have an excellent entrepreneurial spirit in Cornwall, SDG and Akwesasne,” says Candy Pollard, Business Consultant. “Each year we help dozens of entrepreneurs get started on their journey, and of course we are still there to help them later on as well.”
The variety of assistance to business owners ranges from mentorship to grants and includes debt and equity financing.
“Each business has unique needs and there usually is a program that will fit,” says Lesley Lang, Executive Director of the Cornwall & The Counties Community Futures Development Corporation. “We can help a business owner navigate the sometimes confusing world of government assistance programs.”
Some of the programs profiled at the Funders Forum include:
- Summer Company
- Starter Company
- Eastern Ontario Development Program
- Eastern Ontario Development Fund
- City of Cornwall Community Improvement Programs
- and many more!
People looking to attend the Funders Forum are aksed to contact Lyette Montford at 613-933-4004, ext. 222 or register on line by visiting the Chamber web site at:
Categorised in: Business