Gala to Celebrate a Century of 4-H in Ontario
September 2, 2015Cornwall Ontario – Cornwall will be host to a very special gala to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of 4-H Ontario. The gala dinner will take place at the Cornwall Civic Complex on September 26.
“We’re excited to celebrate our 100th Anniversary in Cornwall, Ontario with our 4-H family and friends,” says Debra Brown, Executive Director, 4-H Ontario. “Eastern Ontario has always had a vibrant and very involved 4-H community and being able to hold our Gala Dinner in conjunction with the International Plowing Match will be a great opportunity to bring together 4-H enthusiasts all across the province.”
The evening will feature a keynote address by 4-H alumnus and motivational speaker Dennis MacGillivray, as well as entertainment by 4-H members, a silent auction and much more.
Over 300 people are expected to attend.
Celebrations have been taking place across the province to celebrate the remarkable success of a program that remains as popular today as it was back in its earliest years. 4-H has a long history in the Cornwall region with active clubs in Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry.
4-H Ontario has released a video to help celebrate a century of leaders building leaders.
The 100th Anniversary Gala Dinner has been planned to take place immediately following the close of the 102nd International Plowing Match in nearby Finch.
About 4-H Ontario
4-H Ontario is a century-old grassroots organization of leaders building leaders. The term “4-H” refers to the pledge that participants take:
I pledge my Head to clearer thinking,
my Heart to greater loyalty,
my Hands to larger service and
my Health to better living
for my club, my community and my country.
Youth aged 6–21 and volunteer leaders come together to learn about a selected topic through hands-on activities and mentorship. Through the 4-H experience, members learn to do by doing and build valuable skills that will help them reach their full potential to become conscious, contributing citizens.
Today, 4-H Ontario has an expansive reach and can be found in communities all across the province; including rural, urban, and suburban areas. The 4-H program is still well rooted in a strong agriculture history but recognizes that everyone can benefit from the holistic and socially conscious approach 4-H takes to learning.