The Buzz About Local Bizz Events
October 27, 2017Cornwall Ontario – There is a new resource for business people in the Cornwall region.
TheBizzBuzz.ca is an online calendar of events focused on learning and networking opportunities for small business owners.
“We have a pretty cohesive business community yet it is sometimes difficult to keep track of what is going on in any given week or month,” says Lesley Lang, Executive Director of the Cornwall and the Counties Community Futures Network. “Our goal was to create one place where you could see all business events happening in the region.”
The calendar is managed by Brittany MacDonald and she has been working hard to populate the website, which just came online this month.
“We currently have over 70 events listed, with more being added every day” says Ms. MacDonald. “The process is as simple as sending me the information about the event and we can have it online usually the same day.”
Each calendar listing includes a small description of the event along with a link to the event website.
Events range from small workshops to major job fairs and trade shows – and everything in between.
Over 20 organizations are supporting TheBizzBuzz.ca and include:
- Akwesasne Area Management Board
- Akwesasne Chamber of Commerce
- City of Cornwall
- Cornwall & The Counties Community Futures
- Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre
- Cornwall Chamber of Commerce
- Cornwall Innovation Centre
- Cornwall Tourism
- Eastern Ontario Training Board
- Job Zone d’emploi
- Mohawk Council of Akwesasne
- Province of Ontario
- Team Cornwall
- United Counties of SDG
You can learn more about TheBizzBuzz.ca online:
Categorised in: Business