City Accepting Applications for Medical Scholarship
April 22, 2013Cornwall Ontario – The City of Cornwall is searching for a student aspiring to become a family doctor to become the third recipient of its annual medical scholarship.
Applications are now being accepted for the scholarship, which provides financial support to a local medical student who, in return, agrees to establish a practice in Cornwall upon completion of their studies.
“The goal of the scholarship is to attract family doctors to Cornwall over the long-term,” said Mayor Bob Kilger. “Bringing physicians to the City is key to the overall quality of life of our community. This scholarship is a pro-active way of addressing that need while supporting local students in the process.”
The medical scholarship is valued at $25,000 annually and may be awarded, each year, for up to six years, to a qualified medical student. In order to be eligible, candidates must be a resident of Cornwall or SD & G and be accepted or currently enrolled in full-time studies in a Faculty of Medicine in Canada with the intent of becoming qualified to practice Family Medicine in Ontario.
In return for scholarship funding, the recipient will set up a family practice and undertake admitting hospital privileges in Cornwall for a minimum period of five years.
Interested candidates who meet the qualifications are invited to submit an application by Friday, July 12th, 2013. The application should contain a brief personal profile, information on the University at which medical studies are being (or will be) carried out, awards and achievements and any other information the applicant deems appropriate.
Applications will be reviewed by a selection committee, who may wish to follow up with an interview. The successful candidate will be asked to enter into a legal agreement with the City of Cornwall for the duration of the scholarship period.
Applications can be mailed or dropped off to the Medical Scholarship Selection Committee (attention Mark Boileau, Manager, Economic Development) 100 Water Street East, Suite 104, Cornwall, Ontario, K6H 6G4. Additional information can be found on the City website, www.Cornwall.ca.
To date, the City has offered the scholarship to two medical students, Vanessa Carter and Sarah Robichaud. Ms. Carter and Ms. Robichaud are both continuing their studies at the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Medicine.