MS Bike Tour Returns to Cornwall with 600+ Cyclists
July 24, 2013Cornwall Ontario – Over 600 cyclists will pedal their way along Cornwall’s recreational path on August 10th and 11th as part of a regional bike tour that serves as a fundraiser for the MS Society.
The MS Bike Tour kicks off Saturday August 10th at the Metcalfe Arena and winds its way southeast through Crysler, Finch, Ingleside and Long Sault, with both 75km, 100km and 125 km options.
The Bike Tour features a well-balanced ride with a combination of hills, flats and incredible scenery as cyclists wind through Eastern Ontario and along the Long Sault Parkway, which follows the river to a relaxing lunch on the banks of the St. Lawrence River. From there, cyclists will ride along the Waterfront Trail which features paved bike paths that follow the river to the NAV CENTRE in Cornwall. An optional return trip to Metcalfe will leave Cornwall for Metcalfe on Sunday.
“Last year’s Bike event from Ottawa to Cornwall was an even bigger hit than we suspected and registration this year is way up compared to last year at this time,” said Karen Torrie-Racine, Spokes person for the Cornwall & District Chapter. “Cornwall is very appealing with a fantastic recreation path running along the beautiful St Lawrence river, spending the night at the Nav Centre and all while supporting a great cause – what more could a cyclist want!”
This is the 24th year the MS Society has held the ride, which offers cyclists of all fitness levels a great cycling experience with the added reward of helping to end MS. Cyclists pay a registration fee and must raise a minimum of $250 in pledges in order to participate. You can participate as an individual or as part of a team made up of friends and cycling buddies.
Riders will be assisted by an experienced support team, with drinks and snacks provided every 15km to 20km along the route. A delicious BBQ lunch and a hearty dinner at the NAV CENTRE are also provided. Many of the cyclists plan to take advantage of the comfortable accommodation and amenities of the NAV CENTRE.
“We are delighted to host the MS Bike Tour again, said Kim Coe-Turner, General Manager of the NAV CENTRE. “Saturday night will be a celebration of a great effort by the cyclists. The NAV CENTRE is a great place to recharge your batteries, and I am sure many of the cyclists will take advantage of our spa, fitness centre and pub.”
The MS Society chapters in Cornwall and Ottawa work together to plan the event. Funds raised from the bike tour will assist the MS Society in its mission to provide services and support to residents and families living with MS, in addition to MS research.
“When Cornwallites see the 600-700 cyclists in our city on August 10th and 11th, give them a wave and say thank you for supporting the MS Society,” added Ms. Torrie-Racine
For more info on the event, please click here.