Scrapbook of Cornwall Images Generating Buzz Around Town
October 25, 2013Cornwall Ontario – Connect again with Cornwall’s past in a new publication from the SD & G Historical Society.
The Cornwall Scrapbook is a 120-page book filled with over 350 images of Cornwall from days gone by.
The recently-published book gives readers a chance to revisit some of the popular events and festivals, landmarks, restaurants and businesses from Cornwall’s past. The new book also features a detailed history of Pitt Street and Montreal Road.
“We chose to call this the Cornwall Scrapbook because that’s what it is,” reads the book’s foreword. “It is snapshots of events, people and places taken in Cornwall. History is more than recounting statistics, political events and building projects – it is about people. In this book we have tried to capture Cornwall life as many remember it, from the old Mayor’s picnics to a vibrant Pitt Street and many stops in between.”
The new historical account of Cornwall was made possible in large part by the generous donation of a collection of photographs from veteran Standard-Freeholder photographer Marcel Quenneville.
The Cornwall Scrapbook is already generating a lot of nostalgia-tinged interest in the community – and online on the Cornwall Facebook page and group. It will make a perfect gift for people this Christmas.
Launch Party- October 26
To celebrate the launch of the book, a launch party will be held on Saturday, October 26th at Schnitzel’s Restaurant on Pitt Street, beginning at 2 pm. This event is open to everyone and will include music by Cornwall’s own Jamie Heath and a walking tour of historic Pitt Street.
Get Your Own Copy!
Copies of the book may be purchased at the Cornwall Community Museum in Lamoureux Park (open Wednesday to Sunday from 11 am to 4 pm), Cornwall Economic Development (Civic Complex) as well as the Friends of the Cornwall Public Library (at the Library). The cost of the book is $25 each.
It can also be purchased by mail order for $31. Cheques should be made payable to the SD & G Historical Society, PO Box 773, Cornwall, Ontario, K6H 5T5.
All proceeds go towards the charitable work of either the Historical Society or Friends of the Library.
For additional info, please contact the Cornwall Community Museum at (613) 936-0842.
War of 1812 Book
History lovers will also be interested in this other recent publication, Cornwall and the War of 1812, which takes readers on a journey back in time by providing an illustrated history of the role of Cornwall and its people in this pivotal conflict in Canadian history.
Looking for More Info on Cornwall’s History?
Check out the history section on this website.