T-Shirts, Caps and Coins – Oh Canada!
June 28, 2017Cornwall Ontario – Local residents and visitors will have a chance to pick up some special souvenirs to mark the occasion of Canada 150.
T-Shirts, ball caps and commemorative coins are now available for purchase at the Cornwall Tourism Visitor Information Centre at the Cornwall Community Museum in Lamoureux Park.
“The commemorative coins have proved to be very popular, and the initial response to the souvenir apparel has been extremely positive as well,” says Bob Peters, Division Manager of Economic Development. “People are excited to celebrate the sesquicentennial and to show their patriotism, and we want visitors to also be able to leave Cornwall with a souvenir.”
A new shipment of coins have arrived after local residents snapped up 1000 coins in just two days. The coins were also recently featured with an article on Canadian Coin News.
The t-shirts sport a logo that features the words Cornwall Canada 150 surrounding a maple leaf. These quality cotton shirts are available in a variety of sizes and can be purchased for $15.
Ball Caps
The ball caps come in a variety of colours and styles and also feature the Cornwall Canada 150 logo. Caps are available for $20 each.
Commemorative Coins
The attractive nickel-plated coin features the Canada 150 logo on one side, with the words Canada 1867-2017 along the outside. The flip side of the coin features the Clock Tower in Lamoureux Park, with the words Cornwall Ontario Canada 1784-2017. Coins are available for a penny per year of confederation, or in other words, $1.50.
Other Cornwall souvenirs, including pencils, pins, koozies and spinners are also available.
Cornwall Tourism – Visitor Information Centre
The Visitor Information Centre is located at the Cornwall Community Museum in Lamoureux Park. The centre is open 7 days a week, from 8:30am to 4:30pm. More info can be found online:
- Web: www.cornwalltourism.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CornwallOntarioTourism/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TourismCornwall
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cornwall_tourism/
Canada 150 is featured in the 2017 edition of Cornwall Living magazine. Fill out the Request Info form on this website to request a copy of the magazine.
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