Cornwall Electric Announces New Rates
June 30, 2018Cornwall Ontario – Cornwall residential, commercial and industrial clients will continue to enjoy clean reliable electricity at some of the lowest rates in Ontario following the announcement that Cornwall Electric rates will increase 1.0%.
The competitive nature of Cornwall Electric’s rate schedule is due in large part to the fact that the electricity is sourced from Quebec.
“The long term contract in place with Hydro Quebec is a wholesale contract and it has and continues to allow Cornwall Electric rates to compare favorably to surrounding electrical utilities and ensures that we continue to provide rate stability and reliable electricity to our customers,” says Jackie Baird, Regional Manager of Cornwall Electric.
A residential customer using 1000 kWh per month will see an average monthly increase of $1.30.
“The availability of reliable and affordable electricity is important to the ongoing growth and prosperity of Cornwall,” says Mayor Leslie O’Shaughnessy.
Like all utilities in Ontario, the wholesale cost of electricity is passed through to customers. This cost represents approximately 80% of the customer’s total bill.
The remaining 20% of the customer’s bill represents the distribution charges. These charges pay for operating expenses, system maintenance and equipment replacements to the Cornwall Electric electrical system to deliver safe and reliable supply of power to customers.
The rate increase takes effect July 1, 2018.
By conserving energy, customers can manage their monthly electricity costs and at the same time be a part of reducing the impact on the environment. Customers can conserve energy by making small changes such as switching to energy efficient lighting, appliances, shower heads, and installing programmable thermostats, weather stripping and pool pump timers. These measures can help customers reduce the amount of power they use and experience savings on their power bill.
About Cornwall Electric
Cornwall Street Railway Light & Power Company Ltd. (“Cornwall Electric” or “CE”) is a wholly owned subsidiary of FortisOntario Inc. (“FortisOntario”). CE has approximately 24,800 customers in the City of Cornwall, South Glengarry, South Stormont, and the Ontario portion of the Mohawk Territory of Akwesasne.
For further information visit www.cornwallelectric.com.
About Fortis Ontario
FortisOntario, headquartered in Fort Erie, has operations in electricity distribution and transmission, and serves approximately 65,500 customers primarily located in Fort Erie, Port Colborne, Cornwall, Gananoque, and the Algoma district of Ontario and meets a peak demand of over 248 MW.
FortisOntario is a subsidiary of Fortis Inc., a leader in the North American regulated electric and gas utility industry. For further information visitwww.fortisinc.com