
Cornwall Joins BizPaL Online Portal

January 29, 2020
By Bob Peters

Cornwall Ontario – Developers and business owners looking to navigate the  world of permits and licences can now find links to Cornwall documents on BizPaL.

Cornwall BizPaL

BizPaL is an innovative online service that provides entrepreneurs with simplified access to information about business permits, licences and other requirements needed to start, operate, and grow their business. The service includes links to documents at the federal, provincial, and municipal levels.

“BizPaL offers a convenient portal that helps identify a wide variety of permits that may be applicable to any given development,” says Emma Meldrum, Public Information Coordinator. “It is used by businesses from coast to coast, and therefore it is nice to have Cornwall included in the service.”

To search BizPaL’s directory, please click here.

While every attempt has been made to ensure that the information is current and comprehensive, it remains the developer’s responsibility to obtain all required permits and licences before starting or expanding a business. Users are encouraged to speak to city staff prior to starting any development project.

“BizPaL is an online portal and does not replace the insights and advice you can receive by speaking directly to City staff,” says Ms. Meldrum. “The service also does not include information on funding opportunities and other factors that may be important to establishing a business in Cornwall.”

BizPaL is available 24 hours a day, as is the City’s own website at On the City’s website you will find links to Zoning ByLaws, and information on how to obtain development approvals such as building permits and minor variances. Some businesses also require a municipal business license in order to operate in Cornwall. Information on funding opportunities such as the Community Improvement Programs, Tourism Development Fund and Starter Company Plus program is also available.

City staff can also be contacted directly during regular business hours:

  • Economic Development: 613-933-0074
  • Planning: 613-930-2787 ext. 2328
  • ByLaw and Business Licenses: 613-930-2787 ext. 2225
  • Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre: 613-930-2787 ext. 2276


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