
Untapped Workforce Event Explores Mental Health in the Workplace

November 4, 2019
By Bob Peters

Cornwall Ontario – The theme for the next Untapped Workforce breakfast will be Mental Health in the Workplace.

Untapped Workforce - Mental Health in the Workplace

The theme for the breakfast, which attracts local business owners, managers and HR professionals, was chosen by local employers.

“Mental illness affects 1 in 5 Canadians. It is important to start the conversations around mental health and encouraging people to seek help when they need it.” says Lauren Dewar, Mental Health Promoter with CMHA Champlain East. “These conversations sometimes need to begin in the workplace.”

The breakfast will take place at the Benson Centre on Thursday November 28th at 7:30 am at the Benson Center. A line up of guest speakers, including Ms. Dewar, will provide an introduction to mental illness, how to identify it and resources available to employers.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to hear from Paul McIntyre with Mental Illness Caregivers Association and an exciting project that will be of great interest to employers.

“In the months ahead, our intent is to work closely with business communities and mental health service providers in the region in developing a small Business HR Tool Kit focused on supporting small businesses considering the recruitment and employment of persons living with mental illness,” says Mr. McIntyre.

The breakfast is the third entry in a series of Untapped Workforce seminars being organized by the Social Development Council of Cornwall and Area’s Employability Network, in partnership with Eastern Ontario Training Board and Cornwall Economic Development.. The previous two seminars dealt hiring people with a criminal record and hiring people with disabilities.

“With the changing job market, the Employability Network is here to help local employers explore our local untapped workforce, increase employee retention and create a more inclusive workplace,” says Carilyne Hebert, Executive Director of the Social Development Council of Cornwall and Area.


There is no cost to attend the seminar however seating is limited. The meeting starts at 7:30am and includes a breakfast. To register for your free ticket, contact Ms. Hebert at 613-930-0211.

About the Employability Network

The Employability Network  consists of members from several community agencies and institutions representing a cross-section of social, economic, educational and training sectors in the Cornwall and SDG area. Its goal is to focus on bridging the gap to obtaining gainful and sustainable employment for the unemployed or working poor individuals and families in the community and surrounding areas.

About the Social Development Council

Social Development Council of Cornwall and Area was formed in 2006 to build and strengthen the local communities. Its mission focuses on the social and economic impact on individuals, families and communities at large.

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