
Finding a Job in Cornwall

Can’t seem to find the right job for you? Not quite sure which companies are hiring? Here are some tips to help you in your search for employment.Choose Cornwall Job Board

Finding Employment Opportunities

The best time to apply for a job is when a company is actually hiring. Companies use different strategies when it comes to advertising employment opportunities. Some place ads in newspapers and online job boards, others use their own corporate websites or hold job fairs, while others use employment agencies. An effective strategy for a job seeker will be to regularly check a variety of resources in the attempt to find current job postings as quickly as possible.

  • Check for job postings every day
  • Check more than one source
  • Pay attention to closing dates on employment opportunities

We gather employment listings from Cornwall companies from a variety of sources and post them on the Choose Cornwall Job Board. You can can organize the job listings by sector or employer, or use the browser search tool (CTRL +F) to search for a key word on the page. In some instances our Job Board is the only place a particular job is listed. This one website will capture most of the jobs that are out there – in one easy to use location.

Be Proactive

Not every new job is advertised.  Many companies are happy to receive resumés from people and will keep them on file. Be specific about what job you are looking for, and what skills you have.  You can find mailing addresses for Cornwall companies in the Business Directory, and by visiting sites such as the Cornwall Chamber of Commerce.

Attend Job Fairs

Job Fairs bring together job seekers with local employers in one room. This provides you an opportunity to speak directly with local officials and learn more about their company and what kind of  positions. It also provides the company with an opportunity to meet with you and get a more complete picture of who you are. When we are aware of specific programs that are use of job seekers, we share the info on, on the Jobs page as well as the News section.

Keep Your Resumé Up to Date

Your resumé (or curriculum vitae) is your most important tool in securing a job interview. It should be clear and concise in summarizing your skills, experience and education. It also needs to be up-to-date and error-free.  A good cover letter is also effective. There are a number of online tools to help you draft a good-looking résumé by providing résumé writing tips and layout options. Job Zone d’emploi is also a good resource. If you receive an invitation to a job interview, take a moment to prepare. Check out these insider tips for great interviews.

Learn About the Local Economy

Did you know that Cornwall is home to world-class companies in logistics, manufacturing and food processing? Or that excellent jobs are available in health care, transportation and service sectors? Understanding the local economy and learning more about the companies that call Cornwall home is an effective strategy when it comes to securing a job. You can find out which companies in Cornwall are growing by regularly checking the News portion of this website, and by reviewing the Year in Review reports that can be downloaded from the Resources section.

Assess and Develop Your Skills

A number of local organizations can help you assess your skills, and if necessary, point you to resources that will help you develop essential skills for the workplace. Your choices include full and part-time courses at local career colleges and St. Lawrence College – including micro-credentials. There are a number of programs to help unemployed and underemployed Canadians, including those facing barriers to employment. When we are aware of specific programs that are use of job seekers, we share the info on Check the News portion of this website on a regular basis. You can also use the search feature to look for “programs” or “courses”.

The following organizations can provide help in planning your career, applying for employment opportunities and/or retraining.

If you are new to Canada you will want to check in with Newcomer Employment and Welcome Services (NEWS). NEWS offers effective, empathetic and bilingual employment & settlement services.

Local Job Listings for Cornwall and Area

The following websites provide links to a whole range of job opportunities in Cornwall and region.

Choose Cornwall

Cornwall Economic Development maintains a list of local job opportunities as well as links to Cornwall company career pages. is a website that features local labour market info as well as a new job board with postings from employers in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry, Prescott and Russell.

Job Zone d’emploi

Job Zone d’emploi offers comprehensive employment services in Cornwall and the nearby counties of Stormont and Dundas. Job Zone recently established a new job boards feature on their website.

Service Canada Job Bank

The Job Bank is a free job site featuring employment opportunities from across Canada. The site is maintained by Service Canada and has a number of additional resources for job seekers. We have linked to the job search for Cornwall and Region.


Indeed is large online job board featuring employment opportunities from across Canada and North America.  Their easy to use website is designed to make your job search easy and effective.  The following will link you to the job search for the Cornwall area.


Workopolis is a popular job site featuring employment opportunities from across Canada. The site has a number of additional resources for job seekers. We have linked to the job search for Cornwall and Region.

Cornwall Career Guide

We have gathered information on living and working in Cornwall in one handy downloadable document, the Cornwall Career Guide. Click on the following link to download the guide.

Local Employment Agencies